
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Throw Back Thursday!

So I am doing a Throw Back Thursday this week. I am not going wayyyy back, I'm just going back to the amazing birth of Thomas Dane Hughes! It was almost impossible to choose which photos I was going to place on my blog but after an hour I finally got it narrowed down. Thomas Dane Hughes was born April 10, 2014 at 11:36pm. I went in April 9th to start monitoring Dane over night and to start the labor process. I was slow to dilate but by 9am my water was broken and the show really nasty contractions started a few hours after. I had an epidural when the pain became too intense. I had a bad reaction to the epidural so it was turned off but provided enough medicine to get me to 8cm. The pain started again and I was given some medicine to help take the edge off. Terri and I took a nap until I reached 10cm and then found out Dane was too high and I needed to get in several different positions to bring him down. I finally rocked him down far enough it was time to push. I pushed to 45mins and sweet baby Dane was born. I was wanted to pull Dane out myself and when the time came I was so exhausted I didn't think I could do it. Bobby encouraged me and told me I would regret it if I didn't. Bobby was right, I could do it. When Dane's head was fully out I pushed a hard push one last time and pulled Dane out and laid him on my tummy. I was so in love! It is still so surreal. I now share one of the greatest days of my life (my Wedding day to my best friend) with the birth of my 1st son! I love you with all the breath I have in me buggy.
This will be in two posts because of the amount of photos. Make sure to check the continued for the rest of the photos!
Until the next adventure...Love & Pray!
The night before our whole world changed for the better! 
Look at that big belly!

In my gown ready to go

The morning of the big day! We aren't nervous at all haha

Playing Five Crowns waiting for the contractions to get stronger. I spanked TT and Bobby at the game!

10cm and rocking Dane down to position

The first push

Things are getting serious

Getting exhausted and taking a break between pushes

The last big push

I never thought I could do this! Thank You Bobby for encouraging me to
Bring Dane out himself! Our Bond started here!

In shock!

I'm so in love with Dane! I'm looking at Terri in disbelief